Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Fitness Tips
The Vidal CoachingBlog
Are you suffering from OID?
For many of you reading this, this will be the missing link you've been looking for....It affects millions across the US.Many diagnoses have been given, but they only describe the symptoms of the actual underlying condition.It's...
What Supplements Should You Be Taking Every Day?
by Lauren Rundquist, Functional Health Coach, CYT Are you confused by all the supplement information out there? It seems like there is a new “magic” pill or powder on the market every day, and it can be confusing to know which...
Your Gut & The 5 R’s: Remove, Replace, Repair, Reinoculate & Rebalance
by Kristen Smith, DPT Have you ever had a neighbor with a really ugly looking yard? 👀 Weeds are growing everywhere. The grass hasn’t been mowed in weeks/months. The grass is dead from not being watered. The mulch needs to be...
5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki
by Danielle DeGroot, MS, CYT, Master Reiki Practitioner Before we discuss the why, let’s discuss the what. What is Reiki? Simply put, Reiki is energy healing through the hands. It was created by Dr. Mikao Usui and has been...
Is your HIIT workout working against you?
The popularity of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been on the rise for years. HIIT is a workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and periods of less-intense activity or complete rest. HIIT workouts...
Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions
Humans have over 6,000 thoughts enter the mind every single day. Of those 6,000-- how many are we actually aware of? Or, taking it one step further, how many of those thoughts are on purpose? The questions we ask ourselves are...
Top 10 Foods to Support Your Thyroid Health
by Kristen Smith, DPT A lot of individuals who reach out to Vidal Coachingabout thyroid issues are HYPOthyroid. But, we see a lot of HYPERthyroidism here as well. Regardless if you are hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, here are...
3 Reasons Why Exercise Shouldn’t be Your Top Priority
by Caroline O'Connor, RD, CPT You’re starting a new weight loss program and you feel certain that your lack of exercise is what typically holds you back. You wake up at 430am to squeeze a workout in before the kids wake up...
Set Intentions– NOT Resolutions for 2022!
by Lauren Rundquist If there is one thing I’ve learned about New Year Resolutions… it’s that they don’t work. Year after year, I see myself, friends, colleagues, and family members set specific resolutions to work out more, eat...
3 Main Causes of Everyday Gut Discomfort
by Kristen Smith, DPT Did you know that over 95 million people in the U.S deal with digestive problems? The majority of those people are given medication as a solution to mask the symptoms with no real guidance on how to FIX the...
Coffee Alternatives For When You Must Part With Your Beloved Cup O’ Joe
By Danielle DeGroot, MS, RDN, LDN Let me preface this with, I am a coffee lover and I have been without coffee for 5 months now. Insert the single glistening tear down my cheek. However, I have done this for good reason. I...
Period Health: FAQ, Tracking Apps & Books
by Kristen DeAngelis, RD, LDN, RYT WHAT IS NORMAL “DURATION” of a cycle? (just a super common question I get and thought I would address here!) Day 1 of the whole menstrual cycle (28-34 days), is when the “bleed STARTS”…. But...