Learn how to achieve fat loss in a sustainable way

Fat Loss

Transform Your Body & Your Life: Achieve Lasting Fat Loss


of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Adult obesity facts.

Do you …

Feel frustrated and discouraged after stepping on the scale and not seeing any progress?

Struggle to find clothes that fit comfortably and look flattering?

Have a hard time staying motivated to exercise, even if you enjoy physical activity?

Feel as though you have to constantly monitor your food intake and exercise routine in order to maintain your weight?

Sustainable fat loss IS possible!

It’s likely that you’ve spent years sifting through a sea of conflicting information on “how to lose weight,” only to end up randomly selecting a fat loss protocol and hoping for the best outcome. Despite trying countless diet and exercise programs, your outcome has been the same: they either don’t work at all or provide short-term, unsustainable results. At this point, you don’t know what will work best for your unique body and lifestyle, and you’re struggling to determine your next move.

At Vidal Coaching, we understand the frustration of feeling stuck in your fat loss or weight loss journey and not knowing where to turn next.

Weight loss isn’t just about the number on the scale – it’s about feeling confident, energetic, and healthy in your body.

Lasting fat loss results are possible with the right tools

Take the First Step:
Book a Call with Our Team!

Our experts are ready to help you understand your symptoms and provide personalized next steps.

Don't let the overwhelming amount of diet and workout options hold you back anymore.

Don’t stray from your goals just because nothing has worked for you up to this point.

It's time to take action!

Our Functional Health Coaches have helped countless people like you achieve their fat loss goals through an individualized, holistic approach focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes that will help you achieve long-term success. By following our expert guidance, you will break through any barriers that have held you back so you can finally achieve lasting weight loss and optimal health.

Get started on your path to a healthier, happier life today by taking the Symptom Severity Quiz.

“I have been just in awe. It’s crazy that I thought my scale was broken many times, I have thought I was just too old, or somehow nothing ever worked no matter how diligent I was or how hard I tried. But this time I feel it’s more like science, I have to believe it because it’s not just my own motivation or willpower, it’s a whole process related only to me! Sept 6, 2017 was the date I last logged this weight in myfitnesspal, and it wasn’t for long I was there. I turned 50 in Nov. 2017 so I was killing myself to get there then.

Anyway.. I also went shopping for my mom’s bday this week and was able to buy a Medium shirt! amaze-ing! I bought size 14 shorts but I feel like I’m almost a 12. I was wearing only stretchy shorts last year and I think I was a tight 16. I can’t thank you enough for all you are doing for me! This is life changing! I thought I could never get back to this weight, I have literally tried everything. But you calmly took the wheel and never let me doubt.

Kimberley B.

Fat Loss

The confidence I have now, with just losing 12 pounds, is a miracle. Those 12 pounds made up 95% of my cellulite and now that’s gone! My husband walked by me today and I was sitting with my legs crossed and shorts on and he stopped and slid his hand down my thigh pointing out the muscle definition, that separation of thigh muscle and the hamstring. He never notices anything so for him to notice that made me feel so good. I wear shorts and tank tops and feel good in them and it’s been years since I’ve done that. My skin has a better color to it now too, I’m not just pasty white anymore, I’m just fair skinned and it’s not tinted blue and blotchy like it used to be. My PMS symptoms are way less severe. My brain fog has lifted. I poo every day!!! So many good things have come from this and I needed to remind myself, and wanted you to know as well.


Fat Loss

It’s time to thrive, not just survive.

Book a Call Today!

The Vidal CoachingBlog

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