5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

by Danielle DeGroot, MS, CYT, Master Reiki Practitioner Before we discuss the why, let’s discuss the what. What is Reiki?  Simply put, Reiki is energy healing through the hands.  It was created by Dr. Mikao Usui and has been around since the early 20th century. The...
3 Reasons Why Exercise Shouldn’t be Your Top Priority

3 Reasons Why Exercise Shouldn’t be Your Top Priority

by Caroline O’Connor, RD, CPT   You’re starting a new weight loss program and you feel certain that your lack of exercise is what typically holds you back. You wake up at 430am to squeeze a workout in before the kids wake up even though you only got 5 hours of...
The Key to Balancing Your Hormones

The Key to Balancing Your Hormones

by Caroline O’Connor, RD You felt a little off and thought it might be your hormones. You did some googling and found a few articles on hormone balance and began implementing a few things. A couple months go by, but you don’t really see much of a difference....
Why You Should Prioritize Your Time Management

Why You Should Prioritize Your Time Management

by Selin Steinacher, Functional Health Coach How do you prioritize your days? Your weeks? Do you find yourself constantly rushing around to the next thing without a second to spare while feeling that heightened sense of stress every moment of each day?  It may be time...