Are you suffering from OID?

Are you suffering from OID?

For many of you reading this, this will be the missing link you’ve been looking for….It affects millions across the US.Many diagnoses have been given, but they only describe the symptoms of the actual underlying condition.It’s a layer of deep-rooted...
What Supplements Should You Be Taking Every Day?

What Supplements Should You Be Taking Every Day?

by Lauren Rundquist, Functional Health Coach, CYT  Are you confused by all the supplement information out there? It seems like there is a new “magic” pill or powder on the market every day, and it can be confusing to know which ones are essential, and which ones are...
The Key to Balancing Your Hormones

The Key to Balancing Your Hormones

by Caroline O’Connor, RD You felt a little off and thought it might be your hormones. You did some googling and found a few articles on hormone balance and began implementing a few things. A couple months go by, but you don’t really see much of a difference....
Why You Should Prioritize Your Time Management

Why You Should Prioritize Your Time Management

by Selin Steinacher, Functional Health Coach How do you prioritize your days? Your weeks? Do you find yourself constantly rushing around to the next thing without a second to spare while feeling that heightened sense of stress every moment of each day?  It may be time...