5 Tips to Being a Healthy Travel Pro

5 Tips to Being a Healthy Travel Pro

by Danielle DeGroot, MS, RDN, CYT Do you ever get back from vacay and feel like you need a vacay from the vacay? Yeah, I’ve been there.. you travel somewhere and your normal routine goes right out the window.  It starts at the airport, celebrating the start of your...
9 Practical Tips for Allowing Your Body to Heal

9 Practical Tips for Allowing Your Body to Heal

by Lauren Rundquist, Functional Health Coach  When you are faced with any type of health issue, the first thing most people typically do is search Dr. Google for the latest tips, tricks, and bio-hacks that promise results fast. Oftentimes, we forget that the basics...
Why Women Should Consider Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Why Women Should Consider Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

by Caroline DeMesquita, Functional Health Coach & Posing Coach Most competitive females will do whatever it takes to sculpt and build their dream body. This includes extreme dieting, training, cardio sessions, stimulants and additional performance enhancements....
Pain Relief WITHOUT the Side Effects

Pain Relief WITHOUT the Side Effects

by Kristen Smith, DPT, FHC   We’ve all been there before.  We take a few ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc. in hopes of getting rid of those stubborn aches and pains. It helps for a short period of time, but provides no long term relief. After a while you might have...
Period Health 101: The Basics

Period Health 101: The Basics

by Kristen DeAngelis, RD, LDN, RYT, CPT   Your period is a vital sign.    A female’s menstrual cycle is her monthly report card.  Just like pooping is your daily report card (that’s another conversation I will address later!), your monthly menstrual cycle is really...