Are you suffering from OID?

Are you suffering from OID?

For many of you reading this, this will be the missing link you’ve been looking for….It affects millions across the US.Many diagnoses have been given, but they only describe the symptoms of the actual underlying condition.It’s a layer of deep-rooted...
What Supplements Should You Be Taking Every Day?

What Supplements Should You Be Taking Every Day?

by Lauren Rundquist, Functional Health Coach, CYT  Are you confused by all the supplement information out there? It seems like there is a new “magic” pill or powder on the market every day, and it can be confusing to know which ones are essential, and which ones are...
5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

by Danielle DeGroot, MS, CYT, Master Reiki Practitioner Before we discuss the why, let’s discuss the what. What is Reiki?  Simply put, Reiki is energy healing through the hands.  It was created by Dr. Mikao Usui and has been around since the early 20th century. The...
Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Humans have over 6,000 thoughts enter the mind every single day. Of those 6,000– how many are we actually aware of? Or, taking it one step further, how many of those thoughts are on purpose? The questions we ask ourselves are the key to unlocking our potential....