5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

5 Reasons to Consider the Healing Benefits of Reiki

by Danielle DeGroot, MS, CYT, Master Reiki Practitioner Before we discuss the why, let’s discuss the what. What is Reiki?  Simply put, Reiki is energy healing through the hands.  It was created by Dr. Mikao Usui and has been around since the early 20th century. The...
Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Humans have over 6,000 thoughts enter the mind every single day. Of those 6,000– how many are we actually aware of? Or, taking it one step further, how many of those thoughts are on purpose? The questions we ask ourselves are the key to unlocking our potential....
5 Reasons to Consider Breaking Up with Coffee

5 Reasons to Consider Breaking Up with Coffee

By: Danielle DeGroot, MS, RDN, LDN This has been a real hard break up for me.  Having to wake up and look at my Nespresso machine every morning knowing we can’t be together right now.. Driving by a Starbucks with a longing look, since we’re so close, but so far from...
Your Furry Friend Makes You Healthier!

Your Furry Friend Makes You Healthier!

I’m already a big fan of anything that involves a fur baby, but I’m a HUGE fan of dog walking! (I mean… the fact I’m writing a blog about dogs means you can probably guess the kind of dog mom I am.) The obsessed kind. I’ll admit it.  Did you know that dog-walking is a...