Nutrition Tips for Cardiovascular Health

by | Oct 16, 2021

by Kristen Smith, DPT, Functional Health Coach


Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans have cardiovascular issues? It’s becoming more and more common in our society. 

A lot of clients come to us saying they have a family history of Cardiovascular issues, and don’t want that to be them. 

So, let’s go over some of the basic nutritional and exercise considerations for proper cardiovascular health:

  1. Avoid the following foods: alcohol, sugar, soda, white flour, artificial sweeteners
  2. Avoid dairy and grain-fed red meat as these foods are very inflammatory
  3. Aim to get organic pasture-fed meats/animal products
  4. Get deep colored fruits and vegetables
  5. Drink the purest water you can find – a water filter is great to have!
  6. Foods that contain healthy fat – fatty fish, raw nuts and seeds

Basic exercise for cardiovascular health:

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (walking, dancing, hiking, bike ride). That’s 30 minutes, 5 days a week!

Exercise can help reduce blood pressure, reduce body weight, improve cholesterol levels, and more!

If you or someone you know is concerned about cardiovascular health and are interested in some individualized coaching, please reach out to us here at Vidal Coaching. We would love to help you optimize your health!

Kristen Smith, DPT, Functional Health Coach, kristensmithdpt

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