Is your HIIT workout working against you?

Is your HIIT workout working against you?

The popularity of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been on the rise for years. HIIT is a workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and periods of less-intense activity or complete rest. HIIT workouts can be performed during cycling,...
Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Reframing Your Mindset: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Humans have over 6,000 thoughts enter the mind every single day. Of those 6,000– how many are we actually aware of? Or, taking it one step further, how many of those thoughts are on purpose? The questions we ask ourselves are the key to unlocking our potential....
Why Supplement Quality Matters

Why Supplement Quality Matters

 You know the saying, if I had a million dollars? Well if I had a million dollars for every time someone questioned why I recommend certain supplement brands, I’d be a millionaire. The answer is simple. I want my clients using high-quality products that I know will...