Period Health 102: Phase 2 – Luteal Phase or “Progesterone Phase”

Period Health 102: Phase 2 – Luteal Phase or “Progesterone Phase”

by Kristen DeAngelis, RD PHASE 2: LUTEAL PHASE or “PROGESTERONE PHASE” In a nutshell: YOU JUST OVULATED + NOW PROGESTERONE IS RELEASING After ovulation, (where the egg was released from the follicle), the follicle now collapses on itself creating the “corpus luteum”...
Period Health 102: Phase 2 – Luteal Phase or “Progesterone Phase”

Period Health 102: Phase 2 – Luteal Phase or “Progesterone Phase”

by Kristen DeAngelis, RD PHASE 2: LUTEAL PHASE or “PROGESTERONE PHASE” In a nutshell: YOU JUST OVULATED + NOW PROGESTERONE IS RELEASING After ovulation, (where the egg was released from the follicle), the follicle now collapses on itself creating the “corpus luteum”...
4 Fat-Soluble Vitamins You Need in Your Diet!

4 Fat-Soluble Vitamins You Need in Your Diet!

by Caroline O’Connor, Registered Nutritionist   Fat soluble vitamins are present in fatty foods and like their name suggests, they dissolve in fats and are stored in body tissues for use when needed. Here’s what you need to know about Vitamins A, D, E and K!...
Why Supplement Quality Matters

Why Supplement Quality Matters

 You know the saying, if I had a million dollars? Well if I had a million dollars for every time someone questioned why I recommend certain supplement brands, I’d be a millionaire. The answer is simple. I want my clients using high-quality products that I know will...
4 Reasons to STOP Taking Folic Acid

4 Reasons to STOP Taking Folic Acid

by Selin Steinacher, Functional Health Coach   The first reason you should avoid taking folic acid is because it’s a synthetic version of vitamin B9 (aka folate). This leads into the second reason, that this is the inactive form of vitamin B9. Our body cannot use this...