Healing Adrenal Fatigue, Gut Issues, Metabolic Resistance, & More

Healing Adrenal Fatigue, Gut Issues, Metabolic Resistance, & More

Marci not only overcame adrenal fatigue, gut issues, and metabolic resistance. She defeated that and then decided to challenge herself and become the leanest she’s ever been and to build the body she wanted. Often times, the first step is stripping down what we will...

Have you lost your cycle? Healing Secondary Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

  SHA – Secondary Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is an extremely common condition in women between the ages of 24-35. Over 7% (almost 1 in 10) will experience at least a 6 month loss of their cycle. Over 35, at least 4% will lose their cycle at some point.  Reasons why...
Post Competition Recovery: Stress Induced SIBO

Post Competition Recovery: Stress Induced SIBO

Could you imagine what happens when you combine: high stress hormone, constant over training, high amounts of fake sugars, chronic dieting / a caloric deficit for long periods of time, with binging or no post comp refeed?  Add some pain relievers and antibiotics, and...
Curing Adult Acne After Antibiotics

Curing Adult Acne After Antibiotics

Do you have rash-like acne flare-ups? Then next thing you know, you’re running to the store to buy the best rated facial cleanser. We hate to break it to you, but this isn’t going away with a facial cleanser in a week’s time. Shelly is a former fitness...
High Stress + Poor Gut Health = Chronic Dysfunction

High Stress + Poor Gut Health = Chronic Dysfunction

We’re one month into fighting chronic diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, and pain stemming from post C. DIFF,  IBS-D. It’s not an easy journey, but it truly is worth it. Madisen has been such a champion in fully trusting the process. After healing her high...