Are you suffering from OID?

Are you suffering from OID?

For many of you reading this, this will be the missing link you’ve been looking for….It affects millions across the US.Many diagnoses have been given, but they only describe the symptoms of the actual underlying condition.It’s a layer of deep-rooted...
What the MTFHR Gene is, and How it Could Be Affecting You

What the MTFHR Gene is, and How it Could Be Affecting You

by Selin Steinacher, Functional Health Coach Are there days that are heavier for you than others? Depression sets in, anxiety spikes. Maybe your symptoms are a bit more intense than this. Cardiovascular issues, abnormal blood clotting, seizures, numbness in your...
How the GI Map Can Help Solve Your Gut Issues

How the GI Map Can Help Solve Your Gut Issues

by Stephanie Wagner, RDN Was it Hippocrates who said all disease begins in the gut? Whoever it was, I think they were right. A strong and healthy digestive system is the foundation to overall health. But how do you know if your gut is healthy and strong? It’s not a...